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Rustic Furniture Store in

Orange County, CA

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Store Closing Store Wide Savings Hurry In Orange County CA

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Orange County’s #1 Rustic Furniture Store Since 1979

Orange County’s Rustic Largest Selection of Quality Furniture

Don’t wait to take home the furniture you love. Orange County’s Favorite Rustic Furniture is your premier furniture store in Orange County, CA. We have all the furnishings and decor you need to turn your place into a welcoming space. In our showroom, you’ll find warm-wood furniture, mid-century modern accents, and unique pieces imported from all over the world. You can customize any of our sofas or sectionals with the hundreds of sizes, fabrics, and styles we have stocked to fit any room. Best of all, you can create your own treasure through our custom woodworking service. Have confidence in our pieces that are proudly made in the U.S.A. With affordable prices, stress-free delivery, and complimentary interior design services with any furniture purchase, our family-owned store has made it simple to fill your home with unique, handcrafted furniture since 1979.

Furniture Store Orange County

Add Some Rustic Charm to Your Home

Give your home a little touch of rustic charm by visiting our large showroom and discovering the wide variety of styles and designs. We offer something for everyone, so you’re guaranteed to find something that suits your style. We are direct importers of recycled and reclaimed wood furniture from around the world, which will help save you money. We have custom, American-made sofas and sectionals with hundreds of colors and wood grains. We carry one-of-a-kind pieces for your home or business from countries throughout Asia and other parts of the world, including India, China, Indonesia, Mexico, Africa, and more. Many pieces are 100% handcrafted and truly unique. Whether you are looking for one particular piece of furniture or furnishing a complete home with rustic wood furniture, Furniture A La Carte is your place.

Nice sofa set in the room

Custom Furniture Made From Eco-Friendly Practices

Furniture A La Carte isn’t just any furniture store – we offer custom, finely-handcrafted furniture built to last. Our custom woodworking service allows you to decorate any room to fit your lifestyle for a truly unique home. We’re committed to respecting the environment by using solid, reclaimed wood and architectural salvage, making each piece genuinely unique. Recycled woods are kiln-dried to reduce moisture. Eco-friendly finishes and adhesives are applied by hand to preserve the integrity and history of each piece. We’re here to add more beauty to your home while doing our part in helping the environment.

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